Start Selling Now!
1. Register to start listing products now!
Click “Start Selling Right Now” on the Seller Central page.
2. Once you are registered and logged in, complete your Seller Profile under Marketplace Tools located on the right side of your account page.
Post any policies you may have in your Seller Profile under the Profile Details tab in the Seller Policies box.
Set Up Payment Information
To receive payments by PayPal, you’ll simply need to enter your PayPal ID in your Seller Profile under the Payment Details tab.
To receive payments by Stripe, visit Stripe Payment under Marketplace Tools. Proceed to Connect with Stripe and create your account.
Set up Shipping Methods
Visit Manage Multi Shipping and select the shipping options you would like to offer to customers.
Next, Visit Manage Shipping and enter a Flat Rate Shipping method if you wish to provide customers with that option. (Choose Custom Shipping in Multi-Shipping to enable this)
Download a demo file to populate your shipping details. In the file, populate all zip codes in the countries you wish to provide shipping available to.
Then, Upload the excel file into that tool and you know have a basic set up for shipping!
Set up Taxes
Visit and refer to the Tax Manager Guide for this portion.
3. Add a product under Marketplace Tools – Add Product.
Add the part number or name for your item. Use descriptive keywords in your product description to help buyers find your listing.
The more detailed attributes and options you add, the easier it will be for customers to find your product(s) in the search filter.
To add multiple products, use Add Products (Bulk).
If you are selling overstock of an already listed part, simply navigate to that product’s page, and select “Click Here to List and Sell It!“
We recommend to upload at least four photos of your item.
You can then choose whether to use an Auction or set up unit pricing and/or quantity discounts.
Review and publish your product listing.
That’s it!
To fast track your store set up, set up a demo, or simply request assistance, please contact us to Learn More.