Spring Contacts, Test Probes, and Adapters
Focus on High Frequency / High Bandwidth
Blog Posts and Articles
PCBA Functional Test Fixture with Pogo Pin from the bottom
PCBA Functional Test Fixture with Pogo Pin from the bottom For more information: http://www.corbo.com.hk jacksontai@corbo.com.hk source
Pogo-a-go-go Solderless GPIO Pogo Pins
Fit a pHAT fiddle-free! These solderless pogo GPIO pins, nuts, bolts, and spacers make fitting a pHAT to your Pi Zero (or Zero W) super-quick and easy. Pogo-a-go-go! Shop here: http://pimoroni.com/pogo Pogo pins are springy and normally used for test jigs (we use them for this in the workshop), but it turns out they make … read more
Test Probe Drilling for Fixtures or Connectors
If you are considering making connector prototypes or manufacturing your own DIY test fixtures, jigs, end-effectors, or connectors then test probe drilling with a drill machine with a high speed spindle and reasonable accuracy will be needed for drilling the probe plate, support plates, or connector housings. Some components to consider would be a driller/router … read more
Combined ISP and FTDI Tool with Pogo Pins || DIY Tutorial
Get high quality PCBs with 24 hours build time at: https://www.pcbway.com Generously give a cup of coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/sverd Detailed build instructions: https://www.instructables.com/id/Combined-ISP-and-FTDI-Tool-With-Pogo-Pins GERBER files: https://www.pcbway.com/project/shareproject/Combined_ISP_and_FTDI_Tool_with_Pogo_Pins.html GreatScott! – Electronic Basics #21: OpAmp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqCV-HGJc6A EEVblog – OpAmps Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FYHt5XviKc Production Eirik Sverd Website www.sverd.net source
How to assemble NPXL connector with Pogo pins
Excellent video tutorial to demonstrate pressing in and soldering spring contacts from the bottomside of a PCB.
3D Printed Pogo Pin Nests Testing (MJF and FDM)
Did you know you can use MJF nylon 3D printed pogo pin nests on an electrical test machine? This is an R&D project that has been in the works for the last few months. It seems like every machine we are designing these days at DeWys Engineering has some type of end of line test … read more
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